Important Tools in Sheet Metal Fabrication


As we all know, sheet metal fabrication is a process used to create something out of raw sheets of metal. It is done by cutting, bending and then joining the pieces together. So now, I’d like to share to you an interesting video on youtube that can give you an idea of how it’s done and how it can help you on your project.

At the start of the video, simple processes of sheet metal fabrication were introduced as he used the following:


Small Anvil

 Is a smaller version of anvil that is used to flatten small pieces of metal. According to the Wikipedia, long time ago, before the birth of welding anvil was the main tool used in metal fabrication. And because this is used to flatten metals, blacksmiths used this to forge metals.


How to Use it:

 Simply put the piece of metal on the flat surface of the anvil and pound it continuously with the use of the soft hammer.


Hole Puncher

 It comprises of two thick metal discs with holes of different sizes. To create holes, metal rods that fit the holes were used.


How to Use it:

Loosen the screw that holds the two discs. Match the two holes with same sizes accordingly and put the sheet of metal in between of the discs. Place the sharp side of the metal stick on the hole and pound it with a brass hammer.


Doming Tool

 This tool is used to create a dome out of the circle that was punched from your sheet of metal.


How to Use it:

 Put the circular piece of metal on the dome which fits it, use a dome tipped metal stick that is similar in size with the dome. Pound it with a hammer.


Ball pin hammer

 Is a kind of hammer which creates a dimmple ripple effect on the surface of metal.


Raw hide hammer

 A wood hammer used for pound light materials.


Brass hammer

 An extremely heavy hammer used for heavy pounding.

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